EquityZen Insights

The hub for private market news and education

Financial Times: A Q&A with EquityZen’s Co-Founder

Phil Haslett, Chief Strategy Officer and co-founder of EquityZen talks with the Financial Times about why he thinks the...

What is the Private Secondary Market?

From stocks, to bonds, to commodities and more, most investors are familiar with the various options when it comes to...

Revisiting the Vesting Schedule

Nearly 50 years ago, Silicon Valley introduced, among many other things, the practice of granting employees equity as...

TechCrunch: What is a 409-A?

EquityZen's Phil Haslett shares why tech companies might want a lower valuation and what this means for startup...

Benefits of Pre-IPO Liquidity for Employees: What to Know

As companies are staying private longer than ever1, the need for pre-IPO liquidity has become increasingly important...

Barron's: Dot-Com Crash Redux? How Advisors Can Prepare Now

Advisors can provide clear advice to clients who are experiencing market-related tech-industry pain. Phil Haslett...

The Economist: After a fat year, tech startups are bracing for lean times

After a stunning run during the pandemic, which put a premium on all things digital, tech stocks have hit a rough...

Guide to Understanding RSUs for Start-up Employees

In the past decade (really, since Facebook), it's become increasingly popular for private tech companies to issue...