EquityZen Insights

The hub for private market news and education

Getting Started with Private Market Investing: Part IV - The "Standard" Investment Process

In Part III we introduced you to the Offering Document created by EquityZen's Investment Research team for each...

Getting Started with Private Market Investing: Part III - The Offering Document

In Part II we introduced you to EquityZen's investment products. In Part III we’ll discuss the Offering Document, which...

Getting Started with Private Market Investing: Part II - EquityZen’s Investment Products

In Part I, we introduced you to EquityZen's Investments page. Now, we’ll introduce the different investment products...

Getting Started with Private Market Investing: Part I - Investments page + Indicating interest

So you've just joined EquityZen and gained unparalleled access to private market investment opportunities such as:

EquityZen's Due Diligence Process for Private Companies: A Comprehensive Guide

At EquityZen, we believe in the power of investing in the private companies that are shaping the future. While these...

Understanding cap tables: a guide for private company investors

When considering a private company investment, it’s important to arm yourself with as much information as possible to...

How We Price Secondary Deals

One of the most common questions we get asked from both our shareholder and investor clients is how we determine the...

Guide to Investing in Pre-IPO Secondaries

With venture-backed technology companies staying private longer than ever, how do investors go about accessing growth...

Shareholder's Playbook: What to Know About Selling Your Shares

You are working at the pre-IPO company of your dreams….but you need some immediate liquidity. You’ve heard of platforms...